Sunday, April 13, 2014

Is it you?

Is it women? Is it a thing which you can touch and feel? Is it when you climb  that mountain and roar like a king? is it when you dive into that sea with your eyes open? Is it when you take a deep breathe? Is it when you leave that deep breathe? or Is it when you hold it and realize that you are here and now? Is it waking up? Is it sleeping? Is it when you see which you can't do? or is it when you do which you can't feel? Is it letting everything go? or holding on to just one thing? Is it just hanging in there? is it talking which no one understand? Is it knowing which you are talking? Is it the cigarettes you've smoked? Is it the wine you drink? Is it strength? Is it weakness? Is it knowing something which you always want to be? Is it being something you always want to be? Is it when you share with someone? Is it when you share with everyone? Is it when you are to yourself? Is it writing? Is it clicking? Is it scrolling down? Is it an illusion? Is it knowing why or Is it knowing how? Is it just doing everything you like or is it not? Is it knowing what you are doing? Is it letting know what you are doing? Is it being alert? Is it being a hippie? Is it questioning or is it answering? Is it running? Is it dancing? Is it asking everyone you meet? It is answering everyone you meet? Is it something which you should always have to be?Is it mother? Is it YOU?

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